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Command line (cmdline)

By default, blink.cmp enabled cmdline completions (cmdline.enabled = true), matching the behavior of the built-in cmdline completion:

  • Menu will not show automatically ( = false)
  • Pressing <Tab> will show the completion menu and insert the first item
    • Subsequent <Tab>s will select the next item, <S-Tab> for previous item
  • <C-n> for next item, <C-p> for previous item
  • <C-y> accepts the current item
  • <C-e> cancels the completion
  • When noice.nvim is detected, ghost text will be shown, see the ghost text section below

See the reference configuration for the complete list of options.

Keymap preset

Set via cmdline.keymap.preset = 'cmdline', which is the default. Set to 'none' to disable the preset. See the keymap documentation for more information on defining your own.

  ['<Tab>'] = {
      if cmp.is_ghost_text_visible() and not cmp.is_menu_visible() then return cmp.accept() end
  ['<S-Tab>'] = { 'show_and_insert', 'select_prev' },

  ['<C-n>'] = { 'select_next' },
  ['<C-p>'] = { 'select_prev' },

  ['<C-y>'] = { 'select_and_accept' },
  ['<C-e>'] = { 'cancel' },

Ghost text

When noice.nvim is detected, ghost text will be shown, likely similar to your terminal shell completions. Pressing <Tab> while ghost text is visible will accept the completion. When not visible, <Tab> will open the menu and insert the first item as per usual.

cmdline = { completion = { ghost_text = { enabled = true } } }

Show menu automatically

By default, the completion menu will not be shown automatically. You may set = true to have it appear automatically.

cmdline = {
  keymap = {
    -- recommended, as the default keymap will only show and select the next item
    ['<Tab>'] = { 'show', 'accept' },
  completion = { menu = { auto_show = true } },

However, you may want to only show the menu only when writing commands, and not when searching or using other input menus.

cmdline = {
  keymap = {
    -- recommended, as the default keymap will only show and select the next item
    ['<Tab>'] = { 'show', 'accept' },
  completion = {
    menu = {
      auto_show = function(ctx)
        return vim.fn.getcmdtype() == ':'
        -- enable for inputs as well, with:
        -- or vim.fn.getcmdtype() == '@'

Enter keymap

When using <Enter> (<CR>) to accept the current item, you may want to accept the completion item and immediately execute the command. You can achieve this via the accept_and_enter command. However, when writing abbreviations like :wq, with the menu automatically showing, you may end up accidentally accepting a completion item. Thus, you may disable the completions when the keyword, for the first argument, is less than 3 characters.

cmdline = {
  keymap = {
    ['<Tab>'] = { 'accept' },
    ['<CR>'] = { 'accept_and_enter', 'fallback' },
  -- (optionally) automatically show the menu
  completion = { menu = { auto_show = true } }
sources = {
  providers = {
    cmdline = {
      min_keyword_length = function(ctx)
        -- when typing a command, only show when the keyword is 3 characters or longer
        if ctx.mode == 'cmdline' and string.find(ctx.line, ' ') == nil then return 3 end
        return 0