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Blink uses a special schema for defining keymaps since it needs to handle falling back to other mappings. However, there's nothing stopping you from using require('blink.cmp') and implementing these keymaps yourself.

Your custom key mappings are merged with a preset and any conflicting keys will overwrite the preset mappings. The fallback command will run the next non blink keymap.



These keymaps apply to the default mode only, not cmdline or terminal modes. See the cmdline and term documentation for more information.

Each keymap may be a list of commands and/or functions, where commands map directly to require('blink.cmp')[command](). If the command/function returns false or nil, the next command/function will be run.

keymap = {
  -- set to 'none' to disable the 'default' preset
  preset = 'default',

  ['<Up>'] = { 'select_prev', 'fallback' },
  ['<Down>'] = { 'select_next', 'fallback' },

  -- disable a keymap from the preset
  ['<C-e>'] = {},
  -- show with a list of providers
  ['<C-space>'] = { function(cmp){ providers = { 'snippets' } }) end },

  -- control whether the next command will be run when using a function
  ['<C-n>'] = { 
      if some_condition then return end -- runs the next command
      return true -- doesn't run the next command


  • show: Shows the completion menu
    • Optionally use function(cmp){ providers = { 'snippets' } }) end to show with a specific list of providers
  • show_and_insert: Shows the completion menu and inserts the first item
    • Short form for{ initial_selected_item_idx = 1 }) when auto_insert = true
  • hide: Hides the completion menu
  • cancel: Reverts completion.list.selection.auto_insert and hides the completion menu
  • accept: Accepts the currently selected item
    • Optionally pass an index to select a specific item in the list: function(cmp) cmp.accept({ index = 1 }) end
    • Optionally pass a callback to run after the item is accepted: function(cmp) cmp.accept({ callback = function() some_function() end
  • accept_and_enter: Accepts the currently selected item and feeds an enter key to neovim
    • Useful in cmdline mode to accept the current item and run the command
  • select_and_accept: Accepts the currently selected item, or the first item if none are selected
  • select_accept_and_enter: Accepts the currently selected item, or the first item if none are selected, and feeds an enter key to neovim
    • Useful in cmdline mode to accept the current item and run the command
  • select_prev: Selects the previous item, cycling to the bottom of the list if at the top, if completion.list.cycle.from_top == true
    • Optionally control the auto_insert property of completion.list.selection: function(cmp) cmp.select_prev({ auto_insert = false }) end
  • select_next: Selects the next item, cycling to the top of the list if at the bottom, if completion.list.cycle.from_bottom == true
    • Optionally control the auto_insert property of completion.list.selection: function(cmp) cmp.select_next({ auto_insert = false }) end
  • insert_prev: Inserts the previous item (auto_insert), cycling to the bottom of the list if at the top, if completion.list.cycle.from_top == true. This will trigger completions if none are available, unlike select_prev which would fallback to the next keymap in this case.
  • insert_next: Inserts the next item (auto_insert), cycling to the top of the list if at the bottom, if completion.list.cycle.from_bottom == true. This will trigger completions if none are available, unlike select_next which would fallback to the next keymap in this case.
  • show_documentation: Shows the documentation for the currently selected item
  • hide_documentation: Hides the documentation
  • scroll_documentation_up: Scrolls the documentation up by 4 lines
    • Optionally use function(cmp) cmp.scroll_documentation_up(4) end to scroll by a specific number of lines
  • scroll_documentation_down: Scrolls the documentation down by 4 lines
    • Optionally use function(cmp) cmp.scroll_documentation_down(4) end to scroll by a specific number of lines
  • show_signature: Shows the signature help window
  • hide_signature: Hides the signature help window
  • snippet_forward: Jumps to the next snippet placeholder
  • snippet_backward: Jumps to the previous snippet placeholder
  • fallback: Runs the next non-blink keymap, or runs the built-in neovim binding
  • fallback_to_mappings: Runs the next non-blink keymap (not built-in behavior)

Cmdline and Terminal

See the respective cmdline documentation and terminal documentation for more information.


Set the preset to 'none' to disable the presets


['<C-space>'] = { 'show', 'show_documentation', 'hide_documentation' },
['<C-e>'] = { 'hide' },
['<C-y>'] = { 'select_and_accept' },

['<Up>'] = { 'select_prev', 'fallback' },
['<Down>'] = { 'select_next', 'fallback' },
['<C-p>'] = { 'select_prev', 'fallback_to_mappings' },
['<C-n>'] = { 'select_next', 'fallback_to_mappings' },

['<C-b>'] = { 'scroll_documentation_up', 'fallback' },
['<C-f>'] = { 'scroll_documentation_down', 'fallback' },

['<Tab>'] = { 'snippet_forward', 'fallback' },
['<S-Tab>'] = { 'snippet_backward', 'fallback' },

['<C-k>'] = { 'show_signature', 'hide_signature', 'fallback' },


See the cmdline documentation


You may want to set completion.trigger.show_in_snippet = false or use completion.list.selection.preselect = function(ctx) return not require('blink.cmp').snippet_active({ direction = 1 }) end. See more info in:

['<C-space>'] = { 'show', 'show_documentation', 'hide_documentation' },
['<C-e>'] = { 'hide', 'fallback' },

['<Tab>'] = {
    if cmp.snippet_active() then return cmp.accept()
    else return cmp.select_and_accept() end
['<S-Tab>'] = { 'snippet_backward', 'fallback' },

['<Up>'] = { 'select_prev', 'fallback' },
['<Down>'] = { 'select_next', 'fallback' },
['<C-p>'] = { 'select_prev', 'fallback_to_mappings' },
['<C-n>'] = { 'select_next', 'fallback_to_mappings' },

['<C-b>'] = { 'scroll_documentation_up', 'fallback' },
['<C-f>'] = { 'scroll_documentation_down', 'fallback' },

['<C-k>'] = { 'show_signature', 'hide_signature', 'fallback' },


You may want to set completion.list.selection.preselect = false. See more info in:

['<C-space>'] = { 'show', 'show_documentation', 'hide_documentation' },
['<C-e>'] = { 'hide', 'fallback' },
['<CR>'] = { 'accept', 'fallback' },

['<Tab>'] = { 'snippet_forward', 'fallback' },
['<S-Tab>'] = { 'snippet_backward', 'fallback' },

['<Up>'] = { 'select_prev', 'fallback' },
['<Down>'] = { 'select_next', 'fallback' },
['<C-p>'] = { 'select_prev', 'fallback_to_mappings' },
['<C-n>'] = { 'select_next', 'fallback_to_mappings' },

['<C-b>'] = { 'scroll_documentation_up', 'fallback' },
['<C-f>'] = { 'scroll_documentation_down', 'fallback' },

['<C-k>'] = { 'show_signature', 'hide_signature', 'fallback' },