Source Boilerplate
If you're missing autocomplete, ensure you have lazydev.nvim installed. When publishing your source, please use the format blink-cmp-your-source
and submit a PR adding it to the community sources so that others may find it easily. You may also add the blink-cmp
--- @module 'blink.cmp'
--- @class blink.cmp.Source
local source = {}
-- `opts` table comes from `sources.providers.your_provider.opts`
-- You may also accept a second argument `config`, to get the full
-- `sources.providers.your_provider` table
vim.validate('your_source.opts.some_option', opts.some_option, { 'string' })
vim.validate('your_source.opts.optional_option', opts.optional_option, { 'string' }, true)
local self = setmetatable({}, { __index = source })
self.opts = opts
return self
-- (Optional) Enable the source in specific contexts only
function source:enabled() return == 'lua' end
-- (Optional) Non-alphanumeric characters that trigger the source
function source:get_trigger_characters() return { '.' } end
function source:get_completions(ctx, callback)
-- ctx (context) contains the current keyword, cursor position, bufnr, etc.
-- You should never filter items based on the keyword, since blink.cmp will
-- do this for you
--- @type lsp.CompletionItem[]
local items = {}
for i = 1, 10 do
--- @type lsp.CompletionItem
local item = {
-- Label of the item in the UI
label = 'foo',
-- (Optional) Item kind, where `Function` and `Method` will receive
-- auto brackets automatically
kind = require('blink.cmp.types').CompletionItemKind.Text,
-- (Optional) Text to fuzzy match against
filterText = 'bar',
-- (Optional) Text to use for sorting. You may use a layout like
-- 'aaaa', 'aaab', 'aaac', ... to control the order of the items
sortText = 'baz',
-- Text to be inserted when accepting the item using ONE of:
-- (Recommended) Control the exact range of text that will be replaced
textEdit = {
newText = 'item ' .. i,
range = {
-- 0-indexed line and character
start = { line = 0, character = 0 },
['end'] = { line = 0, character = 0 },
-- Or get blink.cmp to guess the range to replace for you. Use this only
-- when inserting *exclusively* alphanumeric characters. Any symbols will
-- trigger complicated guessing logic in blink.cmp that may not give the
-- result you're expecting
-- Note that blink.cmp will use `label` when omitting both `insertText` and `textEdit`
insertText = 'foo',
-- May be Snippet or PlainText
insertTextFormat = vim.lsp.protocol.InsertTextFormat.PlainText,
-- There are some other fields you may want to explore which are blink.cmp
-- specific, such as `score_offset` (blink.cmp.CompletionItem)
table.insert(items, item)
-- The callback _MUST_ be called at least once. The first time it's called,
-- blink.cmp will show the results in the completion menu. Subsequent calls
-- will append the results to the menu to support streaming results.
items = items,
-- Whether blink.cmp should request items when deleting characters
-- from the keyword (i.e. "foo|" -> "fo|")
-- Note that any non-alphanumeric characters will always request
-- new items (excluding `-` and `_`)
is_incomplete_backward = false,
-- Whether blink.cmp should request items when adding characters
-- to the keyword (i.e. "fo|" -> "foo|")
-- Note that any non-alphanumeric characters will always request
-- new items (excluding `-` and `_`)
is_incomplete_forward = false,
-- (Optional) Return a function which cancels the request
-- If you have long running requests, it's essential you support cancellation
return function() end
-- (Optional) Before accepting the item or showing documentation, blink.cmp will call this function
-- so you may avoid calculating expensive fields (i.e. documentation) for only when they're actually needed
function source:resolve(item, callback)
item = vim.deepcopy(item)
-- Shown in the documentation window (<C-space> when menu open by default)
item.documentation = {
kind = 'markdown',
value = '# Foo\n\nBar',
-- Additional edits to make to the document, such as for auto-imports
item.additionalTextEdits = {
newText = 'foo',
range = {
start = { line = 0, character = 0 },
['end'] = { line = 0, character = 0 },
-- Called immediately after applying the item's textEdit/insertText
function source:execute(ctx, item, callback)
-- Note that the properties on `ctx` will be out of date by this point,
-- so you may want to call the `ctx.get_*()` functions to get up-to-date values
-- The callback _MUST_ be called once
return source